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Bill Johnson endorses Todd Bentley 2018...while Todd was doing despicable things

Bill Johnson has no discernment. In fact he promoted someone who is apostate and anti-Christ. Read below the expose by one of Todd Bentley's own colleagues

Stephen Powell’s full statment concerning Todd Bentley

Dear Church,

As some of you know who have followed my wife and I in ministry these last several years, we’ve had the honor and privilege of traveling with and serving Todd Bentley and Fresh Fire Ministries around the world, along with being involved with Rick Joyner & Morningstar church, attending there the last few years. My connection with Rick goes back fifteen years. He was the first author in the prophetic movement that I ever read when I first began to grow in this stream in 2004. His ministry and his books to this day have had a profound influence on my life in shaping me into the minister and man I am today. My connection with Todd goes back to when I was a kid when I can remember getting his books and teaching cds for Christmas from my parents. Todd’s life and testimony inspired me when I was nineteen years old, fresh out of High School, to take five months off of work, lock myself in my room, and seek the Lord day and night. It was at that time that I had my first visitation of Jesus, and that I first began to move in the prophetic and healing gifts. That was when I really fell in love with Jesus and built a deep lasting bond with the Lord that has remained to this day and affected every part of my life. I’ll always be grateful to Rick & Todd for their positive influence in my life, despite some of the bad things that have happened and regrettable things I’ve become aware of more recently. I’ll always honor them for being pioneers in this generation for revival, the supernatural, intimacy with God, & the prophetic. I love and honor them and that’s why what I’m about to say next is so painful and hard. But I’ve come to the conclusion through much fasting, prayer, and hundreds of hours of counseling with wise counselors over the last several months, that I must do what I’m about to do next. I’m appealing to people all over the world to hear my heart, receive my honest witness of the things I’ve seen and heard, and most importantly, pray for the people involved in this. This breaks God’s heart when things like this come up. These are his children that we’re dealing with here. We want to pray for everyone involved in this, including Todd and his family; that God’s will would be done and the true freedom and deliverance He desires for all of us would be accomplished because of the blood of Jesus.

The information I’m about to present I believe to be true. I have done the best that I can to determine the validity of the allegations that have surfaced in regards to Todd, and have done the best I can to sort through hearsay and separate fact from fiction. This information is based on stories I’ve heard, both written and recorded testimony, as well as hard copy evidence that I’ve gathered such as screen shots from cell phones.

I wish to state right at the beginning of this letter that I do not want anything personally from this other than to see the will of the Lord done, the body of Christ protected, Todd and Jessa helped, and leaders who have failed them and the body held accountable. I’m not seeking financial gain, notoriety in my ministry, or fame. I’m not seeking revenge for ways that Todd has wronged me in the past. I’m just trying to do what’s right before the Lord with the information that came to me.


I believe that Todd Bentley had a genuine salvation experience as a young man. I believe he loves the Lord, is sincere in his desire to preach the gospel, and has a very powerful gift from God. But I’ve also come to believe that Todd Bentley is terribly deceived, and I don’t think He himself fully realizes the depth of his bondage and the consequences of his decisions, not just in his life, but the lives of countless men, women, and children in the body of Christ. I honestly believe that Todd is sick and deceived, and that He needs major help, which I really hope and pray He can find.

As I’ve already stated, I love Todd and I’ll always thank God for how He used Todd in my life. Over the years I’ve tried to the best of my ability to honor Todd, to allow love to cover a multitude of sins as we’re commanded to do in the scriptures, to not judge another man’s servant, to pray for Todd and Jessa and believe for God to do a deeper work of sanctification and transformation in their lives. But to my disappointment and sadness I have not seen my prayers answers up to this point.

Although I ultimately believe that our sins and our struggles do not define who we are in Christ, I believe that in Todd’s deception He has taken on certain false demonic identities and found ways to justify sin in the midst of a ministry culture overrun by damaging hyper-grace deception and sin-enablement ideas. The following I believe to be an honest assessment of this sinful identity and the working of Todd’s sinful nature that has continued to operate in Todd’s life, the true depth of which has only been revealed to me within the last few months.

I believe that Todd has a perverse sexual addiction that He picked up when He was a young man through his dark demonic childhood and through him being abused as a kid. Todd has an appetite for a variety of sexual sins including both homosexual and heterosexual activity. Down through the years Todd has made sexual advances toward (and in some cases engaged in sexual sin with) a number of different men and women outside his marriage, many of them interns and/or students under his leadership care in the church.

I believe that Todd was preyed on sexually as a child, and I believe that that same demonic entity uses Todd to prey on others that have come into Todd’s ministry with their guard down because they felt all was safe being in the presence of an anointed man of God. The bible says that the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked (Jer.17:9). I believe that Todd’s own heart has deceived him and has kept him from understanding what is fully at work inside him. The evidence I’ve gained in my investigation I’ve conducted this summer shows predatory behavior on Todd’s part, where in multiple cases people were taken advantage of by Todd who were in a place of hardship and vulnerability, even financial hardship, being offered money or some form of compensation by Todd in exchange for sexual favors.

I believe that both Todd and his wife Jessa are both complicit in this sexual perversion and have both participated in inviting other sexual partners, both men and women, into their marriage bed. Todd and Jessa’s relationship and marriage began in sexual sin and it appears that that sin has only grown and become stronger in their lives over the years, despite the bond of marriage they share.

I believe Todd is not fit for public ministry. On top of his sexual sins, He has proven to be a compulsive liar, He lacks financial integrity when handling God’s money, and He is a substance abuser that has drawn many others into these sins with him over the years. I believe Todd has proven over more than two decades of ministry, moral failures, and abuse of others that He cannot be trusted with the care of God’s people.


I first met Todd in 2012 when He found me working as a janitor in a small church in my home state of Alaska. He recognized a ministry gift on my life and began mentoring me in ministry and helped me get established as an itinerant. But for the last several years I’ve distanced myself from Todd, as He has from me, because of a fresh holiness message and anointing I began to move in in 2017. I had seen inappropriate behavior for years with Todd and Jessa, which I attempted to inform leadership about to have it dealt with, but unfortunately I saw no real serious action taken on behalf of leadership to discipline and correct Todd & Jessa.

In early June of this year I had a powerful prophetic dream in which I was standing in a heavenly courtroom during a case that was being tried. In this experience, it was given to me to know that major change was coming to the church, and that righteous judgment and justice was being released from the courts of heaven. I was told specifically that leadership in the church were being given a clear and direct charge from the Lord to “start acting more like the Apostle Paul” in matters of righteous judgment. At the time, I had been meditating on scriptures like (1 Cor.5:3,5) where Paul said:

(1 Cor.5:3,5)

“For I indeed, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have already judged (as though I were present) him who has so done this deed… deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.”

Scriptures like these which entail necessary apostolic righteous judgment in extreme cases of unrepented sin in the church, have virtually been outlawed in the church in our day due to what can only be described to me as serious error due to an overreaction to religious abuse in the church. As much as we love the church of Jesus Christ, we as leaders must be bold, courageous, and fearless in the face of sin and abominable practices, and we must be willing and obedient to the Lord when He calls us to handle these matters. This was the charge I believe that was being released from the heavenly courts, and what has followed since then has confirmed this word.

Right after having this heavenly encounter at Moravian Falls on June the 9th of this year, I immediately began to hear reports and allegations of sexual misconduct, drunkenness, substance abuse, lying, cheating, stealing, and even worse: leadership in the church who have known about these sins and have covered it up for years. I had never been made aware of this level of serious sin and what I would call “abominable practices” up until this point with Todd in all the years I’ve known him. My conclusion as to why things are being manifest now is that God is exposing them to be dealt with.

As these stories came to me the information ranged from rock solid evidence to simple testimony and hear-say. Here is a list of some of the evidence and eye-witness testimony that I have gathered over the course of this summer:

– Screenshots of Todd asking a young single online student of his to “send him pictures of herself” on multiple occasions, asking her what she was wearing, on multiple occasions, asking for long hugs when they meet, and numerous other inappropriate and disturbing suggestions and appeals to this young lady who is not his wife.

– Testimony of a male intern who claims that Todd offered to pay him $1,000 to allow him to perform oral sex on the male intern. Below is one of many examples of conversations I’ve had with witnesses like this young man. This is from my notes I took while having the conversation:

2013 Male Intern: there was a time that I was with Todd and I was struggling to get by…. I was living with my sister, working a job, just trying to pay my bills and get by, and Todd was supposed to be my mentor you know, and we’re hanging out and he’s paying for me to eat out, paying for me here paying for me there you know, and always showing off his money you know…. And he was like, “I know you’re struggling so”…. I don’t know how it came up, but He was like, “Can I suck your dxxx for $1,000”. And I’m like, “What?”. I was like, “What the F is your freaking problem… are you Fxxxing retarded”, and I was like oblivious…. And you know, it was not just that…. I saw pictures of His wife naked, fully naked, the whole nine yards.”

– Testimony by a male intern that witnessed such things, took it to Rick Joyner, and ultimately nothing was done and Todd was still allowed to go on in ministry as if everything was okay. Testimony that Rick Joyner refused to help this young man with his personal restoration after the 2013 incident.

– Testimony of a male intern who claims that Todd offered to pay him $500 to send Todd a video of him masturbating.

– Testimony of a male intern who claims that – – Todd and his wife sent him naked/sexual pictures and videos frequently.

– Testimony that Todd made out with his young female assistant whom he is not married to, walked into a room, closed the door, and stayed in there for at least 30 minutes with Jessa being in the same house and knowing about it.

– Testimony of Todd (or a male leader at Fresh Fire that’s alluded to as Todd) smoking weed with a male intern from 2018 and then offering the male intern sex.

– Testimony of Todd being caught with pornography on his phone, and of Todd being caught watching pornography in his hotel room with his female assistant that he was not married to. Todd’s excuse when He was caught was, “It’s no big deal, it’s just soft porn”.

– Testimony of crazy drunkenness, substance abuse, and crude sexual behavior and speech on Todd and Jessa’s part…. Some examples would be: 1) One former employee of Todd’s told me that one time he was on a plane with him and all Todd could talk about was “how much he wanted to have sex with the stewardess” and that he knew “she would like it rough”; 2) Another example would be from a Pastor I spoke to who saw Todd and Jessa walk into a restaurant… Todd then proceeded to get behind Jessa in front of everyone and act like he was engaging her sexually. The pastor was shocked with what He saw. Testimony from a pastor who claims that a young couple in his church were approached by Todd to “swing” with them… to have an open sexual relationship and exchange partners at times.

– I myself have seen things over the years that I find very disturbing. I myself have seen Todd preach, pray, and prophesy over the people, only to leave the meeting, purchase hard liquor, and walk into his hotel to party the rest of the night.

– I myself have seen and heard Todd and Jessa speak with unclean/foul speech.

I confess that I myself, at times in the past, have gotten caught up in some of this culture of speech that’s unpleasing to the Lord… what one might call “guy talk” or “locker room banter”, which the Lord has dealt with my heart on and I’ve repented for. But honestly, with the vile culture that has infiltrated the charismatic church, it is extremely difficult at times to have fellowship with other ministers, and build alliances with others for the kingdom, and not be affected by this stuff.

My wife and myself have kept ourselves pure from sexual sin, substance abuse, and all these kinds of sins and abominations mentioned in this statement. But now having been brought behind the curtain by the Lord and having seen some of the abominations being committed in the house of God, I’m astounded and overwhelmed by God’s grace and hand upon our lives to keep us over the last several years that we’ve been in full time ministry with this kind of garbage going on in the church.


At the end of June/ early July, I compiled a 32 page report with my findings concerning Todd Bentley. Todd was presented with the allegations directly prior to the report being written, but he said they were old, exaggerated, and false (which He has maintained up until this point). Following that, more evidence and reports came forward. When the report was completed, I shared it with a couple of leaders at the time in order to have them submit the report to Todd’s main overseer (Rick Joyner) and also others who claimed to be authorities in Todd’s life, (due to the fact that I did not have Rick’s personal contact information). The report was also submitted to apostolic and prophetic leaders at the time because I felt they all needed to be aware of the situation.

The report was successfully submitted to Rick and the others. I asked for a meeting with Rick to discuss and process, but up until this point Rick has not met with me about this serious issue which has been very confusing and disappointing to me.

Some of the witnesses I talked to at the beginning of my investigation have since withdrawn their testimony because they have been threatened by people involved in this network of sin and cover-ups. I’ve come across at least one witness who was paid off and made to sign a legal gag order in order to keep silent about the great sins and abominations he’s witnessed. And in some cases, I personally have been threatened with a lawsuit and violence if I revealed my findings.

The initial report was to only be submitted to leaders who had some level of input into Todd’s life, but somehow that private report got leaked and now it is in the hands of leaders all over the world.

I’m not a trained professional investigator or journalist. I’m just someone who is seeking truth, righteousness, and justice in the church. I’m just someone that wants to see purity and holiness in the bride so that God can trust us with greater glory in the future. I admit that I’ve made some rookie mistakes in this process. I’ve never been involved in anything like this at this level before, and I’ve handled some things poorly. But I tell you today that I’ve done the best job that I know how to do. I’ve tried to the best of my ability to move with love, patience, carefulness, prayer, and wisdom as I’ve received it from the Lord and counselors that He has put in my life.

At this time I am shaken at the possibility of unfounded statements being circulated around the world through my private report. The last thing I want is to be operating in false accusation. But I confess that this is not an easy situation to handle. I felt compelled to compile everything I had seen and heard so that these things could be looked into and addressed. But it seems that they have not been adequately addressed and looked into, and given everything I’ve seen in this process, I have little hope that Todd’s current leadership covering will ever handle this right, which is why I’m presenting my case to the public at this time.

At the end of the day, given the evidence I have and the 100’s of hours I’ve spent on the phone talking to witnesses, I am fully convinced that Todd & Jessa both have lost the privilege to minister to God’s people any longer, in full time ministry. When someone has a record of sexual abuse, sexual misconduct, inappropriate behavior, drunkenness, lying, & cheating going back more than 20 years… and they have repeatedly been offered great mercy and grace rather than disqualification from ministry, yet they continue to behave in this matter…. in my mind and through what I can see in the scripture, they have lost the right and privilege to minister to God’s people ever again, in their own public ministry. I’m still holding onto hope that this level of exposure will facilitate true brokenness and true repentance in Todd and Jessa’s lives necessary for ultimately saving their souls. I still hold onto hope that Todd will stand before us in the coming years having gone through the deepest levels of cleansing and deliverance, a transformed and truly restored man to Jesus. Up until this point there has not been true deep lasting repentance and restoration. But I have hope that there still can be.

To be a minister of the gospel, to have charge of the flock of God, to take into your care young impressionable interns who come in having their guard down, being in a state a vulnerability,… and then to take advantage of the people of God financially, to take advantage of the young impressionable interns sexually,… is in my mind of the highest level of demonic activity… it is of the highest level of spiritual treason in the kingdom of God,… and these things should not be swept under the rug… they should not be covered up… they should not be handled lightly…. They should not be handled by covering up the activity and paying off witnesses to shut up with legal threats binding them. To me this appears more like the mafia than the ministry of Jesus.

In my mind, leaders who have been in Todd’s life, leaders who have had oversight over his life and ministry, have erred in the way of Eli. Eli was a righteous man, but He was held responsible in God’s eyes for not restraining his sons who were vile and full of abominations. He did not stop his sons from committing sexual sins with people at the door of the tabernacle, and because of this his house lost the ark of God. I believe that Rick Joyner, along with other Senior leaders who have had oversight over Todd through the years, have failed the body of Christ in this regard. I believe many lives have been destroyed because of their unwillingness to appropriately discipline Todd in proportion to the seriousness of his sin, offense, and on-going lack of true repentance.


Allow me to explain a little more in depth what I’ve seen over the years, what I’ve come to learn more recently, and why I’m going public now rather than earlier in this process.

Over the years, as I’ve stated above, I’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly with Todd and Jessa. I’ve seen a heart for God, for the lost, and for people. I’ve seen a heart for their family and also others like myself who they enjoy helping to establish their ministries, but I’ve also seen very disturbing things. I’ve seen the crude sexual behavior and speech, I’ve seen Todd and Jessa with alcohol many times, I’ve seen some of the lying and extreme exaggeration that seems to have increased over the years. At the time I saw these things my thoughts were that these are signs of some of the damage that hyper-grace has caused to this movement and that Todd and Jessa are no longer embracing a lifestyle of holiness and sanctification as ministers of the gospel. I stayed faithful in serving them and working with them because I felt that it wasn’t my place to correct them, I felt my time wasn’t up there yet, and I had hoped that Rick Joyner would deal with it. At one point I had even submitted a report to Todd’s assistant about an incident involving Todd drinking with his single female assistant alone. I saw them walk into a hotel alone together with arms full of hard liquor in 2017 while on a ministry trip. I heard back about a week later after that that Rick had disciplined Todd on it. But in no time whatsoever Todd was back to his old ways and it seemed Rick’s discipline had no lasting effect.

God eventually separated me from Todd’s tribe due to God’s increased dealings with me on holiness and purity, and for the last few years I’ve been separated from Todd for the most part, except for a few brief meetings here and there.

I never dreamed that the things I was seeing throughout the years were actually symptomatic of such deeper darker issues. But what has been revealed to me recently, which initially came to me unsolicited, has revealed that truly what I saw throughout the years was surface level manifestations of more deeply rooted sin and deception in both Todd and Jessa’s lives.

Since learning about the more horrific sins and abominations of Todd, I’ve gone through a roller coaster of emotions. At first I was angry, upset, & confused… I felt like I had been deceived and taken advantage of. Years ago in Alaska, my wife and I sat in the services where Rick Joyner would come and preach and give the most glowing reports about Todd saying that He was the best person He had ever worked with in restoration. I moved my whole family of 6 from Alaska to South Carolina in 2015 to work with Todd and help him establish his new center, and no one ever told us about the depth of what was really happening behind the scenes.

I’ve gone through all the emotions of deep deep sadness and grieving over this level of sin in the house of God. I’ve prayed out of this burden and deep sorrow for Todd and the body during this process. But now, after walking through this and carrying this burden for months, I honestly feel that God hid this from me all these years I’ve been with Todd. I feel that God’s love was covering the multitude of sins to give time for Todd to repent in private, but now that time is up, and now is the time for exposure so the house of God can be cleansed. May acts like this release the tangible fear of the Lord back into the church that men and women know everywhere just how serious a thing it is to minister in the name of the Lord and lead God’s people.

But to answer this question as to why I’m going public with this today… I would say it is the culmination of months of fasting, prayer, counseling, and also numerous unsuccessful attempts to meet with Rick Joyner and discuss these issues. I’ve tried to the best of ability to exhaust biblical methods of protocol in the kingdom, but it has appeared that leadership has not been interested in doing the right thing with Todd Bentley and protecting the body. It appears that they have only tried to cover this up over the years and not bring appropriate discipline in proportion to the seriousness of these sins against God as well as the body.

I was told by Todd’s assistant in late June that Rick was aware of the “recent” allegations that had surfaced that month, yet Rick still refused to reach out to me directly or meet with me before He went on sabbatical for the month of July. Multiple other leaders can verify this. I waited all of July, saying nothing publicly, saying nothing online, revealing nothing except to a few leaders in private who I tried to go through to get directly to Rick. I waited patiently for weeks expecting a meeting right when Rick got back from Sabbatical, but heard nothing from him or his office. Finally, on August 5th, after 7-8 weeks from when I heard that Rick became aware of the situation, I received a very short generic email response from Rick’s assistant basically saying that Rick’s handling it. Another pastor who has stood by me in this process also emailed Rick early on about this situation and received the very same email response the same day on August 5th, word for word, which made me feel like it was an auto response and couldn’t really be considered an adequate response.

Early on in the process, June/early July, I was contacted by a pastor from Florida who is over Todd’s apostolic network telling me that He had been appointed by Rick to lead the investigation on this matter. I neglected to talk with him or work with him because I did not trust him. I felt like this man was hand picked by Todd because he could be easily manipulated by Todd, which it seems He has been. I could not believe Rick had chosen to use someone who Todd had self-appointed, to be his lead man in the investigation. This man later told my pastor friend over the phone that He didn’t even believe in restoration ministry. He believed that if someone like Todd confessed their sin, that they should be allowed to continue on in ministry as if nothing happened, without even sitting out for a season. This was another reason I was shocked and disgusted that this man was being used in this situation. He seemed so compromised by hyper-grace error, that it seemed very unlikely He could play a just, godly, or objective role in this matter.

Todd recently told the world publicly on a Facebook live broadcast of his event “Revival Harvest America” in California that “Rick and Bill had not even read the report” that I sent. In Rick’s second response to me via email which I received on 8/19/19, He stated that “the things in my report about Morningstar were so far from the truth” that he had “a difficult time believing any of the rest of the report, except for what he knew to be true, and had dealt with concerning Todd several years ago”. I find this interesting since many of things about Morningstar in my private report were told to me by Todd over the years.

But this has seemingly been Todd and Rick’s united position during this whole process: That all of these new allegations are not new, they are all related to 2013 (where Todd solicited a male intern for sex) and before that time. They’re saying that there’s no new stuff, that it’s all old stuff that’s been repented of and dealt with. But we have a lot of new evidence and testimony since 2013, which Rick and leadership have seemingly not wanted to take serious.

– We have a witness which states that they saw Todd and his assistant fooling around in 2017

– We have multiple witnesses who have seen the drunkness, the parties, crude sexual speech & behavior, and the increased lying.

– We have screenshots from a young lady in 2018 that show that Todd pursued this young lady inappropriately online.

– We have multiple witnesses who verify a story we heard about a male intern of Todd’s from last year, 2018, being approached by Todd at a party for sex.

– We have a pastor from this year, 2019, that says that Todd was kicked out of his network in Mexico for “inappropriate behavior with young ladies who are not his wife”.

– We have testimony from a pastor this year, 2019, who claims that a young couple in their church were approached by Todd and asked to “swing”; to swap partners for a night.

– We have a pastor from this year, 2019, who says His pastors in Pakistan will never had Todd again because ladies have stepped forward saying that Todd pursued them inappropriately.

All of this just mentioned is the highlights… There’s so much more testimony and details of incidents happening within the last few years.

So, you can clearly see, these reports are not old, they are not all related to 2013 and before which Rick and Todd have insisted upon. They are current, as current as a few months ago, and they show a disturbing ongoing pattern of unrepented sin as well as a cover-up from leadership.

At one time, the pastor from Florida who was appointed by Rick and Todd, told a group of pastors that He had talked to multiple witnesses and found no truth in my report. But when someone from my team contacted this pastor to ask him about his claims, He admitted to this team member that He had talked to no one yet. This has sadly been the story so far. We’ve seen a coordinated effort from leadership to quickly cover and defend Todd, but little to no action when it comes to taking these allegations seriously and seriously looking into them.


Once again, I’m asking for people to please pray. Pray for my wife and I, for our family, as we continue to carry this burden before the Lord dealing with this case that is being tried in the courts of heaven currently. Please pray for protection, for continued wisdom, for covering, and also for provision during this time of testing and shaking for our lives and ministry. Pray that we will be freshly filled with God’s love and mercy while presenting truth.

I would like to appeal at this time to both leaders in the church and people in the body to not stay silent on this issue and other issues. Go through the proper biblical channels of authority to the best of your ability, do the best you can to love, honor, and handle everything with prayer and sensitivity to the Spirit, but please do not allow the enemy to keep you silent. As a wise man once said, the only way for evil to endure is when good people do nothing.

If you’re an apostolic leader in the body, I’m asking for your help. If there are people out there in leadership that can help with holding people and leaders accountable in this situation, please help. If you have your own story and witness that verifies my witness and story, please come forward and stand with me in this hour. I understand that this situation has the potential to get messy and for false accusation to swirl, and that is not at all what I want. But if there’s legitimate concerns, if there’s unrepentant sin going on in the body, if there’s an apathetic spirit in leadership that refuses to take a stand for righteousness and justice, please awake in this hour and let these things be addressed head on with courage, purity, grace, and love for Jesus and his people. Woe unto the watchman that sees the sword coming and doesn’t warn the people. God will require the blood at the watchman’s hand (Ezek.33:6). I see greater sins coming, greater abuse coming, if this is not confronted with strength and courage now! Stand with me church and let’s see the body cleansed and made ready for the greatest move of glory in history!

Right now, I appear before you fully ready to pay any price I have to, in order to see the Lord’s will done in this time of cleansing in the church. There might be those who file suit against me, or attempt to destroy my ministry, my credibility, my voice – if so, I’m leaning fully on God’s grace to keep me, lead me, and guide me, as I continue to move forward to fulfill the assignment that I believe God has given to me.

I understand that everyone of you who are reading or listening to this letter will have to make up your own mind as to who you choose to believe: Me, Rick, Todd, or others. I’ve done my best to present the facts from my perspective, from what I have both seen and heard during the duration of this process. But I bless you to make up your own mind and judge for yourself.

In the midst of the darkness that is seen in the body, I do rejoice in the multitudes world-wide who demonstrate pure faith and love and who “have not bowed their knee to Baal.” As I walk through this challenging assignment, I must not lose focus on all the good that God is doing in and through His wonderful people in this hour. He is always good, despite these types of things happening in his body.

Thank you for your time today in listening to my heart on this matter, and God bless.

In His Service, Stephen Powell

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